Thursday, December 04, 2003

I'm Sick

That's right. I felt like such doo-doo this morning at work that I put some serious thought into going home and answering e-mails through the VPN. But now I'm feeling *slightly* better, so I may just stick it out. But you are all a'going to get sick, too, because I snuck into your kitchen last night and licked all the forks.

I got a lot done on OpenRPG since last we talked, Interweb. Producing output for my messaging format was made easy by libxml2's xmlwriter API, though using it means I have to require people to install at least version 2.6.0. I also solved the DTD problem -- that is, that there is no simple way, in libxml2, to construct a DTD in-memory with against which to validate documents. I solved the problem by keeping my DTDs in a special directory of my source distribution and then using a shell script to convert them into valid C files at compile time, using the
char foo[] = { 'a', 'b', 'c', ... };
style of array declaration. The script gets automagically invoked by the Makefile generated by Automake. Thank you, Automake -- I still have absolutely zero idea how to write a valid Makefile on my own. Finally, I also sketched out the network transmission system that's going to go in libopenrpg_common. I'm using zlib for compression, which has the added benefit that the receiving side can tell from the structure of the incoming compressed stream when the entire message has been sent. NEAT.

I was peeping the web site for Xouvert, which is the "people's" fork of XFree86, and I came across the home page of this guy, who is the project leader. His home page said he was married to a fairly prominent Philipino journalist and blah blah blah, so I peeped her page. Apparently, they got into a car accident together and she took the brunt of the injurious force and has since been pretty disabled. Though she's had two kids since then, and he's also apparently deserted her because he wanted white babies? What?! This guy sounds like a dick. Not that I really know anything about either of them. But he must not update his page very often.

Anyone want to see a movie with me today or tomorrow? I rilly rilly wanna see:
Tom pointed out that I was maybe a little bit hard on that play Clouds Hill -- that, e.g., the fanatical Navy intelligence guy was supposed to be a bit of a charicature. I'd argue that in the country we're living in today, such fanaticism is recognized by everyone as fanaticism, but it's become a kind of mark of true devotion. You know, like, that kind of behavior is what's called for these days. It's like those creepy housewives who go to those big Christian circus events and have seizures where they spin around on the floor, gibbering and dribbering. It means you really believe.

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