Monday, July 25, 2005

Kitty Won't Take Her Shot

I'm sitting in the Lay-Z-Boy, which is now in the living room, waiting for her to calm down a bit so I can give her her allergy shot. She's really dead set against it tonight, which is weird, since you'd think this sort of thing would get easier. The thing is, she's also a lot stronger than she used to be, maybe from struggling with the kitten. The last shot she got, she bent the needle on the syringe with all her wriggling and squirming. She's like the fucking hulk or something.

Last Saturday I was feeling pretty down, but then my sister called me to ask me if I wanted to go to Coney Island with her and her friend, and it pretty much turned my day around. I watched them go on the Wonder Wheel (they insisted on riding in one of the sliding cars; you won't catch me in one of those) and then we read our respective books on the beach for a while, trying to get a tan. The girls went down to the water's edge briefly, but according to my sister, the people down there were "so disgusting; they all weigh like 500 lbs!" She told me I should come with her and my parents to this island they go to in Maine every year. I've avoided it for the past however many years (not least of all because there's no electricity and plumbing is scarce), but this time I'm thinking I'd welcome a change of scenery.

Oh, for those of you who live in Manhattan and can thus peep on the ol' MNN, Mike the Bum has a show on that he'd like you all to watch. I can't remember what it's called, but it's got a pretty sweet timeslot (for MNN, relatively speaking), like Fridays at midnight or something. Jump on it.

I bought some stuff for myself on Amazon, using the gift certificate my 'rents gave me. I tried to get each item from a different category of stuff, so here's what I bought:
  • A wireless PCI card for the ol' desktop, which is no longer in the study within cabling distance of the router
  • Book One of The Sandman
  • Op Ivy's Energy
  • The Ring
M-Biddy also got me this sweet Air America "Fire Rove" t-shirt. I want to wear it to work tomorrow, but I don't know how well it would go down with the office idiots; yea, them what pulls the cart. Started reading Forever, which is larnin' me things about Irish history if not blowing me away with its prose.

Alright, I'm giving up on the shot. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow if Mer's around to pin kitty down.

It's Wednesday night now. I just got back from this company "outing" where they chartered this yacht and took a 4-hour spin around tip of lower Manhattan. I was kind of dreading it because, you know, four hours on a boat with business jerks and you can't get off, but one of the other developers slipped me some Dramamine and I actually had a really great time. Story of my life, I guess.

Jesus that fucking kitten has got to go.

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