Thursday, July 14, 2005

The Cave of Montesinos

Yeah, so we broke up about a week ago, which was, as she says, scary and sad. I'm still struggling with it a bit -- some days I'm up, some days I'm down -- but like my dad said, you don't get over a three-and-a-half year relationship in a week. Apparently she's moving out on Sunday, which will give me plenty of time to re-organize the house and get used to bachelor life before The Rase moves in in September (she's still in Sierra Leone). Yeah, you heard me -- I'm living with The Rase. Here's a funny thing though: While I was at home on Thursday feeling sorry for myself, I got an IM from someone who'd never IM'd me before. It turned out it was my best friend from pre-school, whom I hadn't talked to in literally, like, I don't know, 10 years? He's living near Tampa and managing a record label. He asked how I was doing, and on a whim I told him the whole thing about breaking up, and he said that he, no joke, had just separated from his wife of 6 years. So we talked about that for a while, which felt good. He even invited me down to FL to go fishing with him on his boss's yacht, which sounded pretty good to me, especially considering I haven't taken any vacation at all this year, except to take Mimi to the allergist. But then the whole hurricane thing happened, and Tom rightly pointed out that the proposal sounded like the premise for a thriller, so I'm gonna think it over a bit more.

In case I neglected to e-mail the invite to any of you, I'm having a little birthday party on Saturday at the grill area in Prospect Park near the entrance at 11th St. near my house -- you are literally all invited.

What else is new?

Been watching some movies. All The President's Men was quite good, though it (or maybe the day-old hamburger from Bonnie's Grill I ate while watching it) gave me weird dreams -- I kept telling myself I needed to some way to evaluate the mutually recursive functions
Woodward(mission) {

Bernstein(mission) {
Weird, right? I also rented Team America: World Police, which was less "offensive" and less funny than I'd heard, although the filmmakers' actual premise, which I'm pretty sure was that bullshit about dicks and pussies at the end, was just flat-out incorrect. I did laugh at the puppet sex. Tomorrow's my birthday, creepuses. Gonna go to the Dickies show (which is pay-at-the-door, so if any of you want to tag along...), plus the Gaping Abyss show tomorrow night. I might even check out Morning Sedition at Restaurant Florent tomorrow morning, God willing. Tonight maybe me and the recently blog-less Devstar will get our hang out on.

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