Monday, June 05, 2006

Everything Old Is New Again

Rancid is touring again, with dates listed on their site that are bringing them propitiously close to New York. The Distillers' site, if not yet the band, is working again. So things might be kind of looking up, yeah?

Nina and I went to see Joan Jett at Southpaw on Tuesday. I'd never been there; the place has sort of a novel layout -- a sizeable stage and "pit" area with a low balcony thing at a small remove, which is ideal for short people and their chaperones. I had a great time, but I guess I'd forgotten (or had willfully never noticed) that Joan Jett just doesn't really... rock, you know? Somehow she's gotten herself crowned "the queen of punk," without actually having written any punk songs (except for "Bad Reputation," maybe). The stuff from the new album she was promoting was okay, but her band is stocked with douchebags and it's not clear why she needs a second guitarist and a keyboard player. Final complaint: She was real keen on the audience "having a good time," and kept checking in with us to make sure we were "ready to rock." Ugh. It's kind of a pet peeve of mine -- nothing inspires contempt in me for a band I'm going to see like them not having contempt for me.

Been going to BBQs are little parties and things on the weekends -- just the way summer should be, really. I caught the season premiere of Deadwood at Joel's place last night, in addition to the last episode from Season 2, Boy-The-Earth-Talks-To. I know a lot of you haven't seen Season 2, so I won't spoil anything, but, man... great writing in the scene between Hearst and Wolcott; great staging, great writing when Hearst is talking to Tolliver in the ruined, lamplit hotel room.

Just came down from the roof. It was mercifully light out when I got home at work, so I bought a six-pack of Yuengling Lite (which is actually kind of good) and went up there to do some reading and writing. It was pretty blissful and nicely productive.

Finished the second book in the His Dark Materials trilogy. I'm taking a break before finishing it up with third (in which some kids with a computer and a really sharp knife fucking kill God) by reading Another Bullshit Night In Suck City, which Eve lent me. Very much enjoying it; an excerpt:
The night he showed us his photo album, after the house went quiet, I crept into the kitchen for a glass of water, the sink still full of sea clams, forgotten. Under the fluorescent hum they'd opened their shells and were waving their feet, each as think and long as my forearm. A box of snakes, some draped onto the countertop, some trying to pull themselves out.
That, I think, might be worth the price of admission alone.

Tentatively, I think I'm ready for some adventure. It's been a long time since I've been able to say that.


From the Vined Smithy said...

Are you liking His Dark Materials?

I found it a, what's the word?...pretentious. But also pretty good.

Julian Graham said...

Yeah, dunno if it's pretentious... I think Tom was sort of on the money when he said the writing was a bit too dispassionate. I just find the universe compelling enough to keep me reading -- in particular that whole semi-sexual relationship that humans have with their daemons.