Sunday, May 28, 2006

My Dark Materials

Should I have made plans for Memorial Day? To tell you the truth, I hadn't even realized it was coming until Friday, basically. Trying to make the best of it, though -- yesterday morning, Nina and I bought food from Matamoros, the cheapest, best Mexican food in Sunset Park, and then took it to eat in, well, Sunset Park. I'd never been there before. There's a great view of Brooklyn Heights and Manhattan from the summit, though it was so hazy that you couldn't really see much except for a row of perfectly-aligned water towers. In the evening, we managed to Tom-Sawyer Mario into hosting a barbecue that Eve and some people from work showed up to. We made vegetable kebabs, burgers, and lamb stew meat, all of which ended up being pretty great. I know it's not the conventional or polite way to plan activities, but I love it when a five-minutes-before-the-fact thing comes together. We drank a bottle of Jameson that Nina and I'd bought at Brooklyn Liquors: CostCo for Alcoholics!

But, yeah, the weather just shockingly warm, right? Don't know whether it's time to start using the air conditioner or not. I was sweating when I drove around with Lester today -- every time I go driving, a few more pieces to the puzzle that is Lester fall into place, some of them bloggable, some of them not. A month or so ago, he'd told me that he had a "girl on the side" in Sunset Park, and I was sort of at a loss for words: Had he taken me into his confidence and just revealed his marital infidelity to me? It turns out, no, his wife's been dead for 20 years. His girlfriend is a "Pakistanian" heart surgeon with a very conservative family. He showed me some sort-of-racy pictures of her that he had to grab out of the trunk while we were waiting at a light.

I scheduled a driving test for July 6th (something I should've done through the school, Lester says). Last year, what was I doing? Maybe by the end of the summer I'll be able to rent cars and drive people places!

Right now I'm eating some frozen pizza from last Sunday, from when Tom and Tedders came over and we baked cookies and watched local news. I just got back from watching X-Men 3 with The Rase. Spoiler alert: It suhcks.

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