Oh yeah, so I spilled some water on my laptop the other day and some of the keys stopped working. But I hunted down the actual manufacturer and ordered a new keyboard. It should be here tomorrow. Also, I grabbed the Microsoft Natural Keyboard from my desktop and plugged it into one of the USB ports on the 'aptop, and it just worked -- no configuration, no monkey business, no nothing. And they say Linux isn't ready for the desktop.
Word to the wise -- [:digit:] != [[:digit:]]
Look, has anyone else besides me and Big Baby O'Donnell noticed that Ted Rall is a whiny little shit? I for one love the man for being unlovable, nay, loathsome, even, but I can imagine that he might be alienating people by
- Claiming that Air America sucks and that he wouldn't be on it even if he were asked // complaining that no one's asked him to host a show on Air America even though he's such a great radio guy
- Coming up with unfunny, weepy, Very Special-style comics like this one.
M-biddy was regaling me with tales of this super-enthusiastic Networks professor we've both had and that he's got now:
ekiMlleB: the other day in class he said that every CS major should try to break at least one NP-complete problem
ekiMlleB: "because maybe you get lucky"
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