Monday, September 07, 2009

Lost Summer

Well, the furlough turned, predictably enough, into the full-on dissolution of Rebel Monkey (on my birthday, no less). I won't speak to the particulars, since some very important aspects of them are still being resolved. But, man, losing your job is really a drag. It's not like I don't have a full plate of projects to work on, but there's nothing like having all the time in the world to make you not feel like doing very much at all. And there's nothing like having a whole summer to do with what you will to make you not feel like going out and doing fun summer things. I was assisted in these exertions by Nina, who very sweetly bought me an Xbox 360 and a copy of Fallout 3 (which is surprisingly sad, and far too short) for my birthday.

Finding a job is a drag, too. But find one I did, shepherded by a team of recruiters (whose attentions are hard to get used to). So I have a new job now, and a new apartment, because we moved, and that was arduous and stressful, too. Maybe I'll write about that later. But I haven't posted anything here for three months, so this is me just clearing the slate.

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