Monday, January 02, 2006


Happy New Year, everyone. 2005 was not the best year ever, let's just say, for many different reasons. I'm a complainer, I admit it, but there was some stuff I didn't even complain about that was bad, and, you know... But I think this new year can really be a good one -- I mean, by the law of Star Trek movie sequels, it practically has to be -- and I wish all of you, really all of you, a really great one. I really mean it. This is my little prayer for everyone. There it is, done. Happy New Year! Resolutions:
  • Deal with my anxiety problems... maybe
  • Drink more. Literally! Time to stop being such a baby on this one
    • Be able to drink shots without sipping and spluttering like a cat taking a pill
  • Get my Driver's License
  • Keep working on various computer projects, etc.
Just checked the archives, and it looks like I didn't write any resolutions down last year, but I think they were to become vegetarian (did it for about 6 months) and to run more (did it!).

So tuffytuffins turned out to be Maggie, somewhat predictably, though I admit I was sort of stumped for a long time. I've given her enough of a hard time in person, so I won't go into it further here, but suffice it to say that a stuffed animal roughly meeting her description arrived in the mail, causing a bit of consternation in our household. But how can anyone stay mad at Maggie when she gives such nice Christmas presents:

Compton; Compton; Apple Bottom
I think the presents I gave worked out well, except that I gave KT something Katharine had been talking about. That was embarrassing. Really wonderful holiday parties, pretty much. Razor and Chris even came to the big New Year's party at Tom's place. I was sort of preoccupied; I don't know if they had a good time.

Katharine and Emma and I made plans to go to Las Vegas in a couple of weeks for Maggie's birthday. I've never been there before, period, so I think that'll be very exciting, plus maybe I can use it to somehow recoup the two weeks I'm just coming off of where I just sat around here and sulked the whole time. Reading the ineffable Jon Konrath's Dealer Wins as preparation. What am I doing?

I'd thought I'd be at work today six months ago when I made the dentist's appointment I just got back from, but I'm not, so I just had to get up and go into Manhattan just for that this morning. Good news is I've got clean teeth; the bad news is that the x-rays they took today show that the wisdom teeth I've got that haven't come in yet aren't moving, which apparently means that they might have to come out? They weren't super clear on that point. I guess it's not an issue until I'm in excruciating pain. Not looking forward to that, though.

Super-depressing encounter on the way home: This enormous man-child -- think Lenny from Of Mice And Men -- had sort of button-holed what I think was a poor young Yeshiva student by the window seat. This guy was enormous, had long stringy hair and a brutal face covered in what looked like scars from a car accident, but he had the voice and mannerisms of a petulant child. He was very much concerned with his eternal salvation -- particularly, it seemed, as to whether hedging his bets when it came to believing in both Judaism and Christianity would get him into "heaven."
"Do you people think that this... this earth is the same thing as hell?"

"Well..." said the Jew.

"You know, some people think that, you know, the train is evil, because it's moving around in this dark tunnel all the time. What do you guys think about that?"
He also said, pricelessly, "My name is Leonard [something], and, you know, Leonard has L-O-R-D in it. My father was an atheist when he gave me that name, so I guess that name actually came from God. It's a very precious name."

Am I a mean guy? I think about that sometimes. My deeply-held suspicion is that, despite what they might say, everyone likes to be excited a little bit by nastiness. I'm not an angry person, though. I'm not like the squid, nor am I like the whale. I'm just a guy, you know?

All teeth and suckers

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