Friday, November 25, 2005

Jesus Is Tragic

So I'm feeding my boss's cats and one of the system administrators' cat this holiday weekend, and they both have HBO On Demand, so I've been catching up with Season 2 of Deadwood. Tom Nuttall's got hisself a bicycle, about which he says, memorably (approx.)
My bicycle can traverse boardwalk and ravine with equal aplomb; anyone who disagrees... sucks cock by choice!
Ain't that the truth. And then Bullock's step-son dies. So. The guy who plays Wolcott (also known as the guy who played the coward Jack McCall) sure is a motherfucker of a motherfucker-player.

Had a pleasant Thanksgiving with the family last night (though a postprandial cup of coffee at like 10:00PM gave me nightmares and panic attacks all night). My dad has this story that he tells about when he was in boarding school, in which this friend of his orders a teach-yourself-hypnotism kit off the back of a comic book or something, and the guy actually learns how to hypnotize people effectively enough that he's able to have some fun with some of their friends in the dorm (incidentally, this has gotta be the only time something purchased through the mail like this has not been a ravenous disappointment). So he hypnotizes a guy to believe that he's got a pair of sunglasses that'll let him see through girls' clothes, and the guy follows this one girl around for a few weeks wearing a goofy pair of sunglasses, and, you know, he hypnotizes some dudes to bark like dogs, etc. But the piece-de-resistance is when he hypnotizes this big dumb jocky guy to think that he's a log, and then... that's it -- he can't snap him out of it, presumably, as my dad explains, because a log can't see or hear or anything. The guy had to be brought down to the infirmary and eventually to the local hospital to get zapped or gassed or whatever to bring him out of it. And eventually he's totally fine and everything, but it was a tense three or four days, apparently. So I always bought that bit about a log not being able to communicate, but last night I was thinking about it a little more and it seems a bit implausible that this meathead is so deeply in tune with the concept of "logness" that he becomes completely comatose. I bet it was something deeper and creepier that happened, like some neural switch that my dad's friend accidentally toggled in this guy's brain. Anyway, moral of the story: Not. Getting. Hypnotized.

So it's looking like I might be getting a cell phone -- my mom gets some kind of special deal if I piggy-back onto her Verizon plan, so I think I'll probably be doing that pretty soon. If that's the case, I'd need to start paying for my own Internet, so I might want to sign up for one of those trifecta dealies that Time Warner does where you get cable modem, cable TV, and VoIP for like $100 a month. If you work it all out that's basically what I'm paying now, but without the cable TV. I'm oddly excited -- up until a few weeks ago, I was pretty goddamn sure the cell phone was bullshit, but I've been paying attention to how much fun my friends seem to be having snapping photos and hooking up and storing each others' numbers and all that, and I do understand that when in Rome, etc. So I'm giddy.

On the RMS-fanboy front, in case M-Biddy or someone missed this on Slashdot, Bruce Perens relates an incident of beardo hellraising at, I think, some UNESCO function:
I humorously remind Richard that he and I both have immunity as delegates, and he responds "You mean, I should have shot that guy Kramer?" Kramer is the CompTIA representative who comes along to these things to relate an pro-software-patenting and generally anti-Free-Software viewpoint which gets Richard very steamed up. There's a laugh, and I explain that our immunity probably doesn't go that far.

I saw the Harry Potter movie with Devin on Tuesday, and it was okay, you know. Not as much vision, let's say, as the one that Cuaron directed, but it's fun and exciting, and Ralph Feinnes sure does a fucking good job. That guy who plays Harry Potter, though: Not. A good. Actor. Tonight I'm going to try to see the Sarah Silverman movie with Tom and K-Rod. Also trying to throw together a dinner party tonight with The Rase and some friends. No luck as of yet; we'll see how that goes.

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