Friday, October 28, 2005

Say What You See, Gareth

Holy shit! Did any of you guys smell this yesterday? I caught a few whiffs of it late yesterday at work and at home in the evening, but I wrote it off as the final stages of a nervous breakdown (olfactory hallucinations? Those can't be a good sign!) and just went to bed and cowered under the covers praying for death until I fell asleep. But guess what -- not crazy!
"It's like maple syrup. With Eggos. Or pancakes," he said. "It's pleasant."
Oh, indeed it were.

Kitty threw up twice yesterday, once under The Rase's bed.

So I spent most of last night playing a couple of new videogames I recently acquired, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth and The Warriors. They're both great! CoC is actually quite dark and spooky although I was distressed to learn last night that I'm already about 20% done with it. There'd been a bit of FUD surrounding its release, and I was getting myself set up to duly purchase it and then be disappointed. But it's great! Like I told Tom, I met a little girl in Innsmouth (sportin' the "Innsmouth Look," naturally), who told me if I wanted to speak to her mother, I'd have to go up to the attic, because that's where she's kept. "Why's that?" asked Jack. "She bites," said Ramona Waite.

The Warriors is simply incredible, visually. I will say that there doesn't appear to be too much to the "gameplay" -- it's mostly punch-kick-grab-punch, though all the little "mini-games," such as uncuffing your compadres or throwing up a tag on a wall, are sweet. But the art direction and level design are just... wow. It's some serious Taxi Driver shit, guys. And it's not like it's a total departure from the sort of low-res, blurry rendering from the GTA games. They're definitely using at least a derivative of that engine, but there's been so much attention paid to making things look filthy and decayed and, you know, pre-Giulianian, that the whole thing feels very detailed and polished.

It's Saturday now -- I'm about to go to Katharine's Halloween party. What am I going as? Jayne Cobb, erstwhile mercenary of the good ship Serenity. I bought a knit cap on eBay ("JAYNE COBB HAT") that's apparently a replica of the "cunning" one he wears in The Message, but guess what: JAYNE COBB HAT ain't getting shipped here 'til Monday evening. So... Jesus.

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