So, how were those debates, huh? Kerry totally won, right? Is it just me, or did Kerry come out ahead. Mark Shields agrees with me. But here's the thing -- I listen to Air America all the time, and they love to say, "This new study came out in The Washington Post," or "an article in The Nation claims," and, I mean, guys, these are left-wing newspapers. We're part of your base, so we definitely know this, and if you're trying to make us feel good, please quote something supportive from, oh, I don't know... like... David Brooks or that dumb fuck Friedman or something.
I... hmmm. My mind is bad tonight. I can't... remember things. Ugh.
Busy, busy, busy at work. Boy, I can't wait until [New software version] comes out! What a huge amount of personal pride I will take in the finished product! Some fucking salesperson scumbag told us all the other day, "I thank God every day for [other leathery salesperson, whose knowledge of computing is matched only by his success at being a non-awful non-scumsucking Willy Loman waste of space]." Jesus. Christ. People, I'm not taking anyone to task for not caring about something boring, but hey, I put in the time here -- in computer stuff, that is, not work. Thank God for me, because I care about boring shit so you don't have to.
Speaking of which, I'm still trying to get some developer docs for gzochi together. Plus, I'm trying to get more aggressive about actually implementing stuff now that will make it possible to get some game-like things working. I'm developing this sample "game" called "chat-example" that will hopefully be illustrative for new game designers, and I'm using it to help myself flesh out the Guile-to-C interface I want to implement; that is, I pretend that I have the entire API and XML parsing system that I need, and just go ahead and implement stuff and refer to not-yet-written procedures and stuff like that. This way I know what's necessary for when I go back and write the game management side of things. I've already discovered that I'll need to add at least some kind of minimal class/inheritance logic to make objects act the way you'd expect as a developer. Shit -- "logic." That's a business word for "the ideas in the algorithm." This shit is rubbing off on me.
Racist, racist, racist.
I gave some more money to Kerry yesterday. He didn't disappoint me tonight.
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