Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Sands Of Time, Sans Up-Time

What the fuck?

Well, Kerry took NH, and will probably take the nomination. He most certainly will not beat Bush in an election. This must make Ted Rall nigh-hysterical:
Bush is a disaster. He has nearly bankrupted the federal government and many states with his profligate spending policies. He has planted the seed of fascism in the highest levels of government with his concentration camp, red-baiting and increased surveillance powers for Das Homeland. And it's a fair bet that he's planning more unwinnable wars for 2005. The Democratic Party needs its best chance at defeating him this fall, and that chance isn't in the form of John Kerry.

I fear that too many Democrats, and too many Americans, don't get it. If Bush wins this election, there may never be another one.
No question about it. By the way, how wrong is Dean on this one:
At every turn when there has been an imbalance of power, the truth questioned, or our beliefs and values distorted, the change required to restore our nation has always come from the bottom up from our people.
Apparently last Sunday's Magazine was a bit off when it came to the sex-slave story. I didn't even read it, it sounded too depressing, but the title they ran for it was "Sex Slaves on Main St." What I want to know is: Is the title a joke on that Rolling Stones album? I asked Mer, and after a few minutes of trying to explain to me what a Main street was, she admitted that she'd never heard of the album.

So, here I am, fulfilling my duties as web-logger:That is all.

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