Tuesday, July 01, 2003

West of the East and East of the West

Well, we finally got our DSL hooked up. I guess that means we have enlisted in the thick-framed glasses hipster gentrification army, but so be it. I still have to run the cable through the wall the way I want it: I think I'm going to drill a couple of holes with this big masonry bit I got at wonderful, wonderful Flatbush Hardware and then run a little RJ11/12 through one and some RJ45 through the other and attach the appropriate face-plates to either side. So when you plug a cable into both sides, it'll be like there's a line through the wall. Inspired, I know. Look, it's just going to be neater, okay?

Speaking of gentrification, the New York Times is running a story titled "Still Positively Fourth Street," about the way that street's changed over the years. Surprise surprise everybody turned into a rich asshole. From the article:
"Every neighborhood that gets famous gets commercialized,'' said Mr. Shapiro of Social Tees. "It's the nature of capitalism."
Forget the fact that Social Tees, for all its low-budget charm, is not quite a member of the old guard of home-brew Village mercantilism that the author of the article seems to love so much; the guy's pretty much right. So what can we do about it? It's simple: Boycott stuff you like. No, I'm serious. Too much enjoyment is what's ruined The Public's Shakespeare in the Park, Saturday Night Live, and the Internet, and it stands poised, at this very moment, to ruin Credit Seuss Foist Boston.

Okay, so one of the secretaries just came by and warned me that the banker for whom I am working, who was out in Chicago yesterday, has "a very big personality." I think that means she's an asshole, but maybe she means that part of this woman's brain, say, the social hippocampus, is bulging out of the front of her skull, a la Total Recall or Fist of the North Star. Or maybe she's just fat.

To help me remember, here are the jobs I think I'll apply for today:

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