Monday, March 26, 2012

The Millenarian Maths

My annual LibrePlanet re-cap, 2012 edition:

I spent two days in Boston this year, as the FSF had promised a bigger, more organized conference, with more speakers than would fit a one-day meeting like last year's. I'm a lousy trip-planner -- Nina knows it, you all know it. The process makes me anxious, and so I defer it, which means that when I do get down to the business of, say, figuring out where to stay over a weekend, there are fewer options and they're more expensive. So it was that I neglected to discover that good ol' Greg had returned from China and was living back near the vicinity of MIT again until it was too late to ask him to couch-surf, gift of whiskey or no. Instead I booked myself a room at the Hampton Inn and shelled out for Amtrak tickets there and back. I woke up at 5:00 AM in order to make my 7:00 AM train, attempting to reach Penn Station via the F train, then falling back to trusty old Carecibo when the F hadn't come after 25 minutes. To get to the actual Acela platform at Penn Station you have to go down this escalator tube from the waiting area. Even though the first time I went to Boston for the conference I went via Chinatown bus, looking that tube hole always reminds me of that time, when I didn't really know where I was going or what it would be like when I got there. We stopped at Roy Rogers. I think I had french fries for breakfast.

The conference has moved around a bit over the years. The first few years I went to it, it was at MIT, which was neat, 'cuz that was probably the only way I was ever going to see MIT. And then they moved it to Harvard after MIT stopped cutting them a good enough deal on space and catering, and that was neat, too, because I'd been curious about Harvard. Last year they moved to Bunker Hill Community College, which was somewhat less neat, because small and drab and out in the sticks (oh god the Orange line) with only strip mall amenities. This year they moved yet again, to the UMass Boston campus, which was not super convenient to get to (T to a 20 minute ride on a shuttle bus) but which is right on the harbor, and so the high windows in its great big meeting rooms provide a wide-angle view of Dorchester Bay, cold and still, like a gray mirror. It's very New England, you see.

David Sugar was wrapping up his talk on the GNU Telephony project as I arrived. He fielded some questions about SIP support and various types of audio codecs, and then yielded the stage to Michael Flickinger from GNU Savannah. Michael gave a run-down of the services offered by Savannah and how they distinguish it from other established software forges like SourceForge as well as some of the flavor-of-the-month ones like gitorious. In particular, every project submission on Savannah is human-reviewed to ensure license consistency and avoid tricky legal situations further on down the line. (This is also a resource squeeze for them, as the process can be time-consuming.) He also explained some of the current plans for improving -- or rather, rewriting from scratch -- the software that drives Savannah, Savane. The audience was nonplussed, and he seemed nervous, so I raised my hand and gave a little sales pitch for Savannah, which I genuinely love, despite its warts. I don't know if it worked.

We broke for lunch after that. They'd arranged for these little bag lunches to be delivered, and I found an empty table in the adjacent room. Some people travel to these events with friends, but I'm kind of a unicorn among my local peer group when it comes to this particular interest, and so I'm always there alone. Not knowing anybody used to make me really uncomfortable, but over the years I've gotten used to doing this stuff on my own, gotten used to being and feeling weird. So while I was prepared to eat by myself, it was nice to be joined by people who introduced themselves Alison Chaiken and Tom Marble. We talked about data serialization frameworks (something that's been a focus of mine recently) and swapped FSF gossip.

Alison's talk was directly after lunch. She's working on establishing a foothold for Free software in cars, as part of her involvement in the more general "right to repair" movement. She pointed out that since the first software systems embedded in cars was for purposes of "info-tainment" -- DVD players and video games for the back seat -- there's an established tendency towards complacency around the next generation of car "apps," which will likely focus on safety and driver informatics. Some manufacturers have even begun to release SDKs of a sort, such as the Cadillac User Experience framework, which is built on top of X11. But without unrestricted access to source code, users will just have to trust manufacturers and their partners to deliver secure, bug-free software, which is by no means a safe bet: She referenced a study done by researchers at UCSD and the University of Washington that produced an exploit capable of disabling the brakes and steering console of a moving car by hijacking a wireless tire pressure sensor. Wowza! And then there is also, of course, the perennial motivation of being able to inspect and modify the operations of a device that you've, you know, bought.

Brett Smith gave an update on the work he's been doing in the licensing lab. He works on two fronts towards a single goal: The lab strives to help Free software developers do their work without excessive interference from the law; and it helps legislators understand what Free software developers do so that they don't interfere. Toward the first half of that agenda, he presented some new licensing resources for developers. The FSF's guide How to choose a Free software license for your own work aims to provide a criteria-based approach to license selection. There's a new paper about what he referred to as "Javascript labels," a technique for providing formal descriptions of license characteristics for Javascript source files, reflecting the current trend toward client-side processing for interactions with web applications. (He noted that the current proposal was unlikely to "take over the world," but said the FSF was very interested in feedback.) And the new version of the Mozilla Public License, MPL 2.0, features compatibility by default with the GPL; the MPL 2.0 process, in fact, was inspired by the highly interactive one that produced GPLv3.

"So that's our friends," he said. "Now let's talk about our enemies." The FSF has apparently been sending him around the world to participate in panel discussions for international trade agreements and bits of legislation. In the U.S., the Library of Congress is about to go through an every-three-years mandated review of the "chilling effects" of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. The last time around, they resolved that "jailbreaking" devices like cell phones ought to be permitted. Brett said that this time the Software Freedom Law Center is going to be pushing for a provision to allow people to install their own software on any computing device that they own. And he's going to sit in on the negotations for the Trans-Pacific Partnership, actually at the request of the treaty authors, who are hoping to avoid a post-ratification debacle of the scale of the one resulting from ACTA, which left even some of the representatives who voted for it wishing that they hadn't.

ginger coons (she spells it lower-case) is the E.I.C. of LibreGraphics Magazine, a paper-and-ink publication whose aim is to promote the use of Free graphics tools, with a focus on creators and how they use software tools. She repeated a question that she's often asked about Free graphics software: It's good, but is it print good? As proof she explained how the sausage gets made. The whole magazine is produced in Scribus, Inkscape, and GIMP, among other applications, and using Free fonts (Univers Else, Prop Courier Sans). They print on recycled paper with soy inks, and license the whole thing CC-BY-SA. She had several issues for demonstration and sale. They looked good! The print design straddles the line between trade publication and art magazine, kind of the same way that SEED, the magazine Nina used to work for, did. I wanted to buy her a copy of issue 1.3, which featured a striking pattern of opening and closing eyes -- ginger claimed they'd figured out a way to randomize the colors on a per-physical issue basis -- but it sold out quickly.

The "keynote" of Day 1 was Evan Prodromou's presentation on freedom for the social web. Since the launch of StatusNet a few years ago and with his commitment to engaging with its users for the purposes of technical support and philosophical debate, I feel like he's developed a pretty high profile in the Free world. So his talk was a celebrity appearance of sorts. It didn't hurt that he's a very engaging speaker, equal parts nerdy intensity and practiced charm. He opened with some historical perspective on social networking, detailing how providers have evolved from an application-per-media-type model to social platforms like Facebook -- a model he refers to as the "imperial network." These platforms have the primary benefit of mapping independent streams of shared social data onto the same unified social graph. This has provides the benefit of one-stop shopping for marketers, but doesn't do much for users -- in addition to the fact that it's, you know, evil and non-Free, it doesn't accomodate users' disparate interests very well, unless those interests are confined to finding one's friends on Facebook.

Evan proposes / predicts what he calls the federated social network, which is really a network of social networks with interoperability at the borders. He cited some examples of work in this direction: OStatus;; pubsubhubbub; Webfinger; salmon. The question always gets asked: Why aren't we there yet? Where's my Free Facebook? These things take time, he said, and people often focus on distractions like novel architectures and cryptotopian fantasy.

Evan wrapped up, and was quickly mobbed by inquisitve software developers. Matt got the room under control and dispersed everyone with instructions to reconvene at JJ Foley's on Berkeley St. I rode the shuttle back to JFK/UMass chatting with Deb Nicholson about Occupy Wall Street. At JJ Foley's I found myself at a table with Tom and two guys having a heated debate about the right business model to use for running a Free hardware mail-order business. Josh Gay stopped by and gave a engaging if somewhat manic explanation of his "theory of change." I can't claim to have understood him fully. I was looking for a way to engineer an outcome; he seemed to take a descriptive rather than a prescriptive view of things: When we're successful the associated circumstances will be such and such. But maybe that's the a more sophisticated way to think about it. Have any of you read Anathem? The senior FSF strategists remind me of the monks that live in the center of the monastery and only come out once every thousand years. The hipster monks might find them frustratingly impractical, but they've got powers, babies.

I was exhausted when I checked into my hotel. The room was clean, featured a fancy writing desk (who uses those?), and the huge bed had an embarrassment of pillows, big and hard like breast implants. I showered, shat, and flipped through a few local channels on the TV before calling it a night. Some people were having a party in another room on my floor. I could hear it but it didn't keep me up. I started the next morning with a breakfast of eggs and hastily-scarfed spicy potato cubes in the hotel lobby, CNN Headline News playing on a flat-screen TV levitating above some ficuses, and then struck out for the university.

Eben Moglen was in the middle of his yearly update on the legal battlegrounds for Free software. As ever, much of his focus was on software patents. The patent wars continue, and his most recent conclusions were more pessimistic than in years past: Organizations have found that software patents have become more worthwhile to trade than they are to hold, which has turned the legal brinksmanship over software patents into a multi-billion dollar game and thus prolonged the existence of patents themselves. "We can't stop the patent war," he said, "and even if we were participants we couldn't stop it." And he said that the Free software movement would not be able to achieve its social and political goals until the war is over.

Mike Linksvayer and Chris Webber from Creative Commons were up next, with a somewhat sunnier presentation on the progress of CCv4. There were a couple of pleasant diversions from the charted course of their talk in the form of plugs for MediaGoblin and the Liberated Pixel Cup (relevant to my interests!) both of which are side projects of Chris'. But they managed to get across the important data about the license revision process; to wit, its goals:
  • Internationalization: Beyond translation, the licenses need to be "ported" to the legal jurisdiction of other countries; in contrast with Free software licenses, a lot of this porting has already been done, but they're looking to do more
  • Interoperability: ...with older versions of the Creative Commons licenses and with other types of software licenses
  • Readability: For the lay public and lawyers alike
  • Rights for additional media: Such as databases of indexed content (this is apparently more of a thing in Europe)
Mike declined to give estimates for a publish date.

Yukihiro "matz" Matsumoto, the creator of Ruby, gave a charming autobiographical talk about how Emacs changed his life, beginning with his interest in hobby programming (the Ruby compiler) during the economic depression in Japan in the 1990s and how that led him to using Emacs, and then, as this type of thing often leads, to wanting to extend Emacs in the direction of better support for Ruby syntax (i.e., `ruby-mode'). And it was this activity that really got him deep into languages and software development. His argument, as best as I could transcribe it, in list form:
  1. Emacs taught me freedom for software
  2. Emacs taught me how to read code
  3. Emacs taught me the power of Lisp
  4. Emacs taught me how to implement a garbage collector
  5. Emacs helped me to code and debug
  6. Emacs helped me to write an edit text/email/documents
  7. Emacs helped me to be an effective programmer
  8. Emacs made me a hacker
  9. Emacs has changed my life (forever)

Matthew Garrett, now at Red Hat, talked about some hardware concerns for Free software developers, specfically the various implementations of "secure boot" and how they interact with non-vendor-approved (i.e., Free) software. Summary, from what I could understand: It's all bullshit predicated on some flimsy separation of hardware and software near the BIOS.

Karen Sandler, the executive director of the GNOME Foundation, and Joanmarie Diggs, who does accessibility development gave a talk on the status and importance of accessibility support in Free software, using the GNOME 3.0 development lifecycle as a miniature case study of sorts. One point they made stuck with me in an uncomfty way (I assume this was the desired effect): We're all going to need accessibility technologies to continue to use software systems as we get older. We are merely "temporarily able-bodied." Jonathan Nadeau, an FSF campaigns intern who also happens to be a blind GNU/Linux user followed up with a first-hand account of the state of accessibility software. He's a big fan of Orca, a screen reader that's part of the GNOME project. In fact, he was using it to read some of the slides in his presentation back to him during his talk. I'd never seen a system like that in action before; it was impressive.

Jeremy Allison delivered the keynote for the second day. Like Evan Prodromou, he's become sort of a household name in the Free software world, and he also turned out to be a fun guy to listen to. His talk was less structured than Evan's; he presented the history of the relationship between his project, Samba, and the GPL. He'd chosen it initially as a way to "clear the air" within the community of developers reverse engineering the SMB protocol, who had adopted a policy of secrecy to prevent their improvement from being co-opted by their competitors. At the time, using the GPL helped Samba become the SMB implementation of note -- to the extent that he had to stop accepting corporate copyrights on contributions, because contributors were attempting to use their patches to entrap their non-GPL-compliant competitors. (The GPLv3 has eliminated this technique via compliance grace periods and additional flexibility for source code delivery.) He also shared some amusing anecdotes he'd acquired from his years in Free software development: How the benefits of Free software were made manifest whenever he collaborated with Microsoft ("Oh, you have to write all your own software? That must take forever!"); how the initial jailbreaking of the TiVo was done in Australia by Andrew Tridgell, who wanted to help his friends at the U.S. embassy watch TV shows from back home.

RMS made an appearance right at the end to present the Free Software Awards (to matz and to GNU Health) and to briefly promote the use of LibreJS, which (finally) addresses the issues he brought up several years ago in his essay The JavaScript Trap. The "Stump Stallman" portion of the meeting -- the part where the members line up at the mics to ask RMS pointless questions about the GPL, or try to praise his ideas in ways that confuse and annoy him -- was mercifully absent. Hopefully the organizers finally grokked that this process was doing more harm than good.

By the time the talks were completely wrapped up and all the immediate chatting had subsided, the last free UMass shuttle of the day had already left. The group I was stranded were friendly and interesting (Evan, Mike, Deb), though, and I was glad to walk with them the mile or so to the JFK stop, even though it was a little unclear whether I was going to make my Amtrak connection. Deb and I talked about The Ada Initiative and OpenHatch and how she once booked Peelander-Z at a house party in Somerville. We made it to the T stop, and I said goodbye to everyone and ultimately did end up making my train with a few minutes to spare. I bought a beer on the train and tried to program, but the hops gave me a headache -- or more likely I was just worn out -- and so I just ended up closing my eyes. Jerry and Hanlon texted me in response to a celebratory Tweet I tweeted, and informed me that they happened to be driving back from the Cape at that very moment and would I like to catch a ride back with them. It would have been like the wild west! But I was feeling too depleted to want to be around people and so I said no thanks.

Amtrak to Penn Station; C train to Jay St. When the subway pulled into Fulton St., this hipster dude rushing to make the train took a header down the stairs. He got up, clearly dazed, and scrambled on board. He'd taken damage, though -- blood began to flow insistently down his face from a gash near his hairline. "Oh, dude," said his friend. A well-meaning passenger produced a wet-wipe. I took a step back and watched.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Most of my friends and I do projects. Projects are a form of fidgeting until death, but I still feel like I have to do them. If I stopped doing projects, I don't know what I'd do!

Nina and I helped Beau out with his project Vanderpuss last summer. He spent the next six months or so editing it and prepping it for release. The DVD company sent him his first run a few weeks ago, and he finally screened it for everyone on Sunday at Cake Shop. He gave a funny speech to introduce the subject matter of the film, and he'd arranged for some bands to play before and after: There was a folk / anti-folk type dude who alternated between an acoustic guitar and Beau's day-glo painted electronic keyboard; he sang several crypto-misogynist songs about his problems with "blonde actresses." Then there was I'm Turning Into, a trio of plaid-clad dudes I'd actually been meaning to check out anyway. They were good! And they put out a strong vibe of enjoying themselves. Beau'd also managed to book a band called Eula, fresh from SXSW, who played jangly, punky guitar rock. They kept hyping the film, either ironically or earnestly referring to it as "Vanderpussy."

The movie itself was -- I don't know. I like it, but I'd already seen it several times and worked hard enough to blunt my own self-consciousness that I can't really tell how coherent it is. At the time we shot it, it seemed to be reasonably intelligible, a tribute to Beau and Doug and the other people who ginned up the ideas and the dialogue, so I'll trust that that hasn't changed. And it got laughs in the right places, and Drew as Vanderpuss was obviously in command of the material. It was fun!

Warning: Computer bullshit.

A little while ago, I finished a project of my own. I released an initial version of a software framework I'd been working on, in some form or another, ever since I graduated from college. It's called gzochi, and it's a system for developing multiplayer network games. I'd begun building it -- or feature prototypes of it -- around the time that Blizzard's World of Warcraft was really firing the consciousness of the media and the game-playing populace, and also at the same time that the Free Software folks were pushing both for Free implementations of popular bits of software and for Free game libraries and games. What I had in mind was a rich framework, a piece of software that would comprise, say, 90% of a working game. The only thing to be supplied by a downstream developer would be, well, game design, specified in as semantically direct a way as possible. Every other aspect of the application, from server-side persistence to client-side rendering, would be managed by the framework. Suffice it to say, this idea was worryingly vague and prohibitively ambitious. In fact, I spent the next several years side-tracked by the work required to create the systems that would support my hypothetical framework.

The time I spent working professionally in games -- at Rebel Monkey -- was a net negative, life-wise, except that I got to build some software on top of a Java game development framework called Project Darkstar that was tackling some of the same problems as gzochi. (Trivia: the Monkey actually hired Jeff Kesselman, the lead developer of that project, as its CTO. For about five months.) Instead of proposing a single, all-encompassing data model on top of the games it hosted, the PDS framework provided a set of container services that game applications could choose advantage of. Forget gaming: Project Darkstar is really more of a transactional execution and persistence framework. And the design of the system dovetailed with some lessons about software I was slowly internalizing at the time: One-size-fits-all software solutions are hard to develop; data modeling is the hardest and most important part of software engineering; the best way to expose software functionality is via thin, decomposable layers. So when I got the idea to pick up gzochi again, I decided to scrap what I'd done back in 2004 and re-implement it as a clone of PDS, using languages that I actually enjoy writing code in, C and Scheme. As a validation of that impulse, the past couple of months have been pretty nuts. I don't think I've ever had code come to me as easily as it has been for this project. And I just released an initial version! I'm going to take a break for a while and work on something else, but I'm bedeviled with fantasies of games to build.

Nina and I joined a gym over the winter -- for three months, I should say, beginning on New Years Day, so our membership is just about up. We went with Body Reserve, over on 5th Ave. and Union, which Tom and Jill have gently mocked over the years for its dopey eagle-with-a-barbell signage. They call it "American Dream Muscles." But they had the least aggressive terms and they priced competitively, relative to their offering, which seems, well, correspondingly modest. I hadn't exercised in a gym since, I don't know, college, but the qualia seem to be largely the same: There's a clammy, grimy texture to everything you touch, and a faint, not unpleasant worn-sneaker smell throughout. I was going primarily to run on the treadmill during the cold months, but I also pushed myself to branch out to other machines and exercises. I use the free weights, glaring at myself in the mirror as it seems is customary. I use one of the abdominal "crunch" machines. I do the thing where you pull down on a bar and it lifts up some weights, a kind of seated chin-up. Is it working? Unclear. I've got this little hot dog body, you see.

Bad Movie Night continues unabated. Recent selections:
  • Snowboard Academy: A miscalculated slobs-vs-snobs comedy that pits snowboarders against skiers -- as if the distinction were somehow important -- in a tussle for liebensraum at a fancy resort. The always unhealthy-looking Corey Haim plays a degenerate 'boarder who somehow becomes the ambassador for his "sport," asserting that "snowboading is new, it's happening, it's hot, it's fresh." A beef jerky-textured Jim Varney makes an appearance as a hack road comic who's inexplicably promoted to management. The movie attempts nothing and goes nowhere.
  • Undefeatable: We were pretty excited to see this one, as it's the source of a famous Internet video called Best fight scene of all time. It is actually a very good fight scene, cartoonishly destructive and unnecessarily shirtless, but the rest of the movie is richly silly as well -- the guy who gets his eyeball poked out at the end is a wild-eyed caricature of a villain with an Oedipus complex that drives him to kill. But the funniest part for me is how seriously the film takes the martial arts pedigree of its stars, John Miller and Cynthia Rothrock. There are multiple, endless scenes of lame dudes in sweatpants delivering very serious-looking practice punches to the air. It's as much of a boner-killer for the concept of karate as people who pronounce it kah-rah-tay.

I went out to Maxwell's on Sunday night to catch the WFMU Hoof & Mouth Sinfonia, the big karaoke party that signals the end of their annual two-week-long fundraising marathon. I know I'm not supposed to merely tolerate it, but I not-so-secretly love the marathon -- my favorite show, the lively Prank Patrol, brings out The Wheel Of Fate, a full complement of tortures unbecoming the middle-aged hosts: This year's edition promised underwear trading, foot kissing, and briefs full of coffee grounds. The other shows on the station get a whole lot more personable as well, since even the music shows with the most taciturn hosts are obligated to devote half their air time to shilling. You get to experience non-naturally-occurring DJ combos: Frangry vs. Station Manager Ken! Billy Jam vs. Bronwyn Carlton! Tom Scharpling vs. Terre T, pretending they're not real-life married! And Scharpling's show is always a stunner, even if it lacks the sweaty desperation of some of the less popular programs. I've pledged (to 7SD) the past several years, partly out of the goodness of my heart, partly out of a desire, as Andy says, to hear my name said on the "ray-dee-oh," but I'd never had the nerve to make it out to Hoof & Mouth. I decided to try it this year after watching a joyous video of last year's, and so I bailed early on dinner at Surfish with Eve and Jon and took the F to 14th for the switch to the PATH.

The hardest part of making it to Maxwell's is the trek down Washington Ave. When I was younger and more attuned to discomfort, my spirit revolted at the thought of walking eleven long blocks to my destination, especially in the cold -- that street really focuses the wind on your business. But I am older now, and I persevered, taking opportunities to peek into the windows of ground-floor brownstone apartments and check out the anti-Obama tchotchkes inexplicably on offer for St. Patrick's Day at more than one pharmacy. Hoboken's a pretty town, I thought. There's a sports bar on every corner, but I could live there. It's what I always think.

I knew I was at Maxwell's even before I saw the sign, because I caught sight of Ken in the window wearing his "vinyl suit," a set of armored plates built out of fire-wilted records. He was wearing a kilt, too, but not much else. Irwin Chusid and Therese were there, too, in a little reserved part of the front of the house where they'd set up a remote broadcasting system to finish out the fundraising. The real action was in the back, where the Sinfonia (a bunch of musically adept FMU DJs) were playing. I arrived in time to catch the end of X. Ray Burns' performance, delivered naked to the waist, his beard pointed like a satyr's. After him came songs sung by Bryce Kretschmann, Keili Hamilton, Lamin Fofana, and other DJs with familiar names and sometimes familiar faces. I picked out a bunch of WFMU luminaries in the crowd: AP Mike (Lisk), Frangry (whose real name, I overheard, is Francine), Andy Cohen, a guy I think might've been Kevin Nutt from Sinner's Crossroads. The big performances came at the end of the night. Ken invited "The Queen of WFMU," Terre T, to the stage, and she turned in a high-octane performance of "Ace Of Spades," quite possibly one of the most difficult songs ever to play or sing. And then it was time for "The King of WFMU," a characteristically disheveled Tom Scharpling, who sang "Communication Breakdown" and, as he'd hinted he would, "Killing In The Name Of." To make the latter song radio friendly (a feed of the festivities was going out over the air) he edited its refrain to "Fudge you, I won't do what you tell me." The appreciative mosh pit that had formed roared it right back at him. Upon finishing, he dropped the mic and stepped off the stage into the crowd, half rock star, half Joe Lunchpail.